Thursday, February 23, 2012

my reading history

I Dee didn't have much of a reading history as a kid I  mostly did as I  pleased.
My mother worked two jobs one at night and one and the daytime, so when I  came.home
from school my mother wasn't around ,so instead of doing my homework I stayed outside 
and played with my at the time so called friends.  as I got a little older I pick up a few comic
books.   first I looked at all the pictures ,and then and only then I wanted to know what the people
in the comic was saying.  that's when I  got interested in reading.  in junior high I learned to read
I didn't do a lot of reading at that time just a enough to read the comic books I had at that time.
At school the class I liked the most was math,and  I was very good at math.  It wasn't until I got
Arrested and went to jail when I started reading books. that's when I really learned how to read
Because that's all I has time to do. I started reading the Bible from Genesis To Revelation ,and
even then I didn't understand what I was reading. as I continue to read today, I still have a
problem understanding some of the stuff  I'm reading now. So as you are reading this This Is
My cry out for help. I read good, It's just me understanding what I'm reading is the problem.
I have no regrets but one, and that is not picking up a book when I was younger,and that's why
I'm back in school now ,and that to correct the mistake I made when I was a child.I would
love to be able to understand what I'm reading some things I do and a lot of things I don't.


  1. Keep reading those books Big Dee.

  2. Dee, I see Curtis has already encouraged you. Be encouraged! Once we realize our mistakes we can do something about it. You are in the right place. I hear you cry for help. Take advantage of every resource surrounding this class; lectures, group collaboration, my office hours, the English Reading Center - ERC (I'm available to tutor students), and the reading workshops in the ERC.

    I'm here to help you!
